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Friday, March 21, 2014

FDC focus on five issues for Mindanao

Regional Congress FDC-WMR held at Pagadian City


PAGADIAN CITY, ZAMBOSUR (March 22, 2014 www.pagadianfrontline.tk) – The Freedom from Debt Coalition Western Mindanao Region (FDC-WMR) is still focusing on the five issues on their continuing campaign for Mindanao. FDC official said during their regional pre congress in Pagadian City yesterday.

According to FDC Western Mindanao Region Chairperson Pastor Diosdado Marquez of the United Church of Christ of the Philippines these five issues are considered as their priority campaign agenda for Mindanao.

The issues are: 1. Protection against the privatization of Agus-Pulangi power generation; 2. Support of Renewable Energy for alternative power generation as the solution of power crises in Mindanao; 3. Objection for the construction of Coal-fired power plant that will be the contribution of environmental hazard in the country; 4. Continuation campaigned to repeal of Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPERA Law) because the law adds only the present power crises in Mindanao and 5. Against the propose plans for the privatization of Water District in Mindanao, Partor Marquez said

Marquez said, during the regional congress FDC-WMR also elected five delegates FDC-WMC Chairman Partor Maquez, FDC Secretary General Lucita Gonzales, Vice Chair Roland Gonzales, CSO Ummah Fi Salam (UFS) Executive Director Magiud Maruhom representing the Moro Sector and alternative representative UCCP Pastor Mikel Gubot. They will represent the WesMin Region to the FDC national congress on March 28-29, 2014.

The FDC-WMR also preparing their 25th Foundation Anniversary on March 27 to be held in Manila a day before the national congress, Marquez added. 

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