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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Student dies of heart attack while on ROTC training receive benefits from AFP

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PAGADIAN CITY (June 28, 2019) - A student dies after suffering from cardiac arrest while attending a Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) training conducted by the 9th Regional Community Defense Group (9RCDG) in Paagadian City. His family received benefits from the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), a military official disclosed.

The 21-year-old cadet, identified as Roel Sedenio, is a 2nd class ROTC cadet who was rushed to the hospital last Saturday after passing out during a morning physical fitness routine that was part of a one-month advanced training in Barangay Dao, Pagadian City.

Doctors at the Zamboanga del Sur Medical Center said the cadet suffered from hyperventilation. They discharged Sedenio, saying he only needed some rest.

While Sedenio was resting at the military barracks in the  compound of the Army 9RCDG, his co-trainees observed he was having seizures. Sedenio was brought back to the Zamboanga del Sur Medical Center where he was pronounced dead a few hours later.

Doctors said Sedenio died of cardiac dysrhythmia or abnormal heartbeat secondary to sepsis and pulmonary congestion.

Major Alberto Ramirez, director of the 903rd Community Defense Center, said Sedenio had fever prior to the incident and was advised to skip the activities the next morning, only to surface during the exercise. He said a thorough investigation is underway.

Sedenio's mother, Julita, told reporters she could not believe her son's death, noting that he seemed fit and healthy.

Sedenio, a third-year information technology student of Josefina H. Cerilles State College, was among the 272 aspiring cadet officers who voluntarily participated in the training.

The ROTC program may soon be required for grades 11 and 12 students, as President Rodrigo Duterte certified as urgent Senate Bill No. 2232.

Under the proposed measure, those physically or psychologically unfit or are part of the school's varsity team are exempted from mandatory ROTC training.

Meanwhile, Sedenio was qualified for some benefits from the Army’s AFP such as burial and military honor after he graduated from ROTC Basic Training Course with a serial number of Private Officer, Col. Rony Villaneva, 9RCDG Commander also said during DXYN Meuws FM Radio Pagadian City “KAKAMPI SA KATILINBAN program aired every 7:30 am to 9:00am from Monday to Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I found the best site for the defense against heart attacks here is the site below:
    ====> http://tiny.cc/ab73bz


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