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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Civilian and military jointly planted 1-thousand trees in Zamboanga del Sur

Army’s Premiere Cavalry Squadron Commander
LTC Antonio John B. Divinagracia leads the tree
Planting activity. (Photo provided)


PAGADIAN CITY, ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR (August 14, 2013) – A total of one thousand seedlings of Narra and Mahogany trees were jointly planted by the residents, ROTC students and Barangay Officials of Barangay Navalan, Tukuran, Zamboanga del Sur and the soldiers of the Army’s 1st Cavalry (Eagle Eye) Squadron of the Mechanized Infantry Division following the weeklong celebration of their 37th Founding Anniversary that will culminates on Friday August 16, 2013.

It was recalled that on August 16, 1976 the first Light Armored Battalion (1LAB) was fully organized and was renamed as First Cavalry (Eagle Eye) Squadron under the Mechanized Infantry Division, Philippine Army last April 1, 2013.

For this year theme, “37 years of gallant service, wisdom gained and experiences learned continuously enhancing capability to respond significantly on present challenges,”. They will be giving honor award to their wounded comrades in service during the culmination program and to those who gave their lives while in line of duty, spoke person Capt. Ronnie M. Madriñan said. 

Also included in the week long activities is the whole day bloodletting from the members of the unit that had donated a total of 11,250 cc to the Provincial Health Office Blood Bank and the series of sports competition conducted at their headquarters in Pulacan, Labangan, Zamboanga del Sur Capt. Madriñan added.   

One of the highlights of this celebration is the signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Commander of the Army’s Premiere Cavalry Squadron LTC Antonio John B. Divinagracia (GSC) and Barangay Navalan, Tukuran, Zamboanga del Sur represented by the Barangay Captain Leoncio N. Osores.

The MOA signing was done in Navalan Barangay Hall yesterday morning then followed by planting of 200 Narra and 800 mahogany trees.

Commander of the Army’s Premiere Cavalry
Squadron LTC Antonio John B. Divinagracia
(GSC) based in Pulacan, Labangan, ZamboSur
and Barangay Navalan, Tukuran, Zamboanga
del Sur represented by the Barangay Captain
Leoncio N. Osores (Photo by Jong Cadion)
Commander of the Army’s Premiere Cavalry
Squadron LTC Antonio John B. Divinagracia
(GSC) based in Pulacan, Labangan, ZamboSur
and Barangay Navalan, Tukuran, Zamboanga
del Sur represented by the Barangay Captain
Leoncio N. Osores (Photo by Jong Cadion)
(Left)1st Cavalry (Eagle Eye) Squadron spoke person
Capt. Ronnie M. Madriñan signed the MOA as one of
the witnesses while Batcom  LTC Divinagracia and
partially hidden Brgy. Capt. Osores looks on.
(Photo by Jong Cadion)

The MOA stated that both parties adopting Barangay Navalan will contribute to environment protection, preservation and other activities for community development. The Barangay Officials will support the project that will be undertaken by the 1st Cavalry Squadron jointly or independently in coordination with other concerned agencies that will help the barangay to become effective participant in nation building. Likewise, the 1st Cavalry Squadron in support to the National Greening Program of the government unit will initiate to conduct tree planting in favor of the said adopted barangay with certain terms and conditions called “Basic Agreement” set by the army unit and basic requirement of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

In the MOA, seven agreements were cited:

1. Projects that will be implemented will fall under the functional areas such as infrastructure development, humanitarian and social services, environmental protection and preservation.

2. Any project that will be made will be in accordance to the guidelines policies of concerned government agencies.

3. The “principle of shared responsibility” shall govern the relationship between Headquarters 1st Cavalry Squadron and Brgy. Navalan on such activities that will be undertaken.

4. Civil Military Operation (CMO) activity of 1st Cavalry Squadron will be conducted in Barangay Navalan, Tukuran, ZDS.

5. Any community development project of Brgy. Navalan should be informed to 1st Cavalry Squadron purposely to augment personnel to the said project and to address IPSP Bayanihan.

6. Any social event of 1st Cavalry Squadron the Barangay Council should have representative to attend such activities in order to strengthen the relationship of both parties.

7. Networking with LGU’s and NGO’s of both concerned parties is highly encouraged and accepted.

The Barangay Officials had agreed to provide available personnel when the 1st Cavalry Squadron initiates activity to said adopted barangay and want to avail manpower assistance for their community development project and will be evaluated by the said army unit.

Both parties will also strengthen the bond between the barangay community and the soldiers of the AFP as a whole through the good covenant, terms and condition stipulated in the agreements.

Battalion Commander LTC Divinagrcia Leds the
tree planting (Photo provided)

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