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Wednesday, August 28, 2013



ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines - The Mines and Geosciences Bureau, Regional Office IX (MGB-9) has approved the 2013 Safety and Health Program (SHP) of Atro Mining-Vitali, Inc. (AMVI) after it was determined to be 
“substantially accomplished the requirements”.

Antonio M. Manaytay, ATRO information officer said that in its Certificate of Approval under SHP No. 09-2013-01, the MGB-9 granted AMVI the go-signal to implement its SHP after it found out that the submitted program is in accordance with the requirements as mandated by law.

Signed by Officer-In-Charge Regional Director Alfredo T. Relampagos, the Certificate however mandated the company to submit regular reports to MGB-9; to implement the additional conditions to the approved SHP should the results of monitoring and safety audits require; and to secure also all necessary permits from all concerned government agencies, Manaytay disclosed.

The approved SHP is provided for by management as a guide “to all its employees to be aware and cognizant of the program as it affects their works so that SHP can be properly followed and implemented to avoid accident at work place.”

AMVI VP for Exploration and OIC-Resident Manager, Leo A. Sosa said that “AMVI management considers the program very important as it affects the health and safety of the life of its employees and that there is no other more important in the phase of company's operation than the prevention of accident and the maintenance of cleanliness and healthy lifestyle at the work place .” 

Mr. Sosa further stressed that AMVI's SHP considers safety and health as an integral part of its operations and that “it is the company's policy to protect all its employees from accident, loss of life and limbs, personal injuries and illness and also damages to properties which are detrimental to the company's success.”

In fulfilling this commitment, Mr. Sosa said that “the company will endeavour to provide and maintain safe and healthful working conditions that are in accordance with industrial standards and which comply with mandatory legal requirements.”  It also seeks to eliminate any foreseen hazards that may result in accidents, personal injuries and illnesses, loss of life and limbs and also damage to properties.

The company believes that behind the attainment of the company's success is a safe job, Sosa enthused, adding: “Accidental loss can be controlled through good management in combination with active involvement of employees.”

As part of AMVI’s commitment to MGB-9, according to Mr. Sosa, the program shall be improved annually to achieve the industries best practice.

AMVI is set to continue its 2nd Phase of its Exploration Program for its Vitali Iron Ore Project covered under Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) denominated as MPSA-237-2007-IX located in Barangay Vitali, Zamboanga City in order to further increase its mineral reserve.

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