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Friday, October 11, 2013

Pagadian businessman kidnapped victim released


PAGADIAN CITY, ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR – A kidnapped victim businessman in Pagadian City was released Thursday morning October 10 after 5 days of captivity by his abductor.

Lee Tan was presented to the media at Zamboanga del Sur Police Provincial Office (ZSPPO) by the police authorities together with Pagadian City Councilor Ernesto Mondarte, Council chairman of Police and Public Safety Committee  after he was meet by the operatives of Anti-Kidnapped for Ransom operatives following his released in the municipality of Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga del Sur.

Police confirmed that the abductors demanded P500,000 pesos ransom for the early release of the victim but refused to confirmed if there was a payment made. 

During the press conference Lee Tan also confirmed that there was a negotiation done between the abductors and his family. He also said that his money amounting to P90,000 pesos was taken by his abductors,

City Councilor Mondarte said, his presence is a manifestation that the City and Provincial Local Government conducted concerted efforts with the police and military against all forms of criminalities.

The Anti-Kidnapped for Ransom Task Force had established contact to the kidnappers resulted to the safety released of the victim, Mondarte added.

Lee Tan was alone driving his vehicle Suzuki Vannette on his way to Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur for business transaction. But, before reaching to his destination he was over-take and waylaid by 4 Raider motorcycles color black with riding in tandem pointing their gun-point on him that decided him to stop along the roadside.

“4 persons were disembarked from motorcycles boarded to my vehicle and commanded me to u-return and proceeded Eastern Bobongan, Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga del Sur and upon reaching the area, I was in blind-folded transferred to another vehicle and brought to unknown direction,” Lee Tan narrated the incident.

Police did not identify the group responsible to the kidnapping due to the ongoing investigation on the incident. 

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