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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Philippines: Manila to host international seminar on law of war

By Alison Lopez

MANILA (ICRC) – 40 civil society, government and military representatives from across Southeast and East Asia will meet in Manila on today to attend a six-day seminar on the international laws governing military operations.

The seminar, the eighth of its kind to be held in the region, has been jointly organised by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the College of Law of the University of the Philippines. This is the first time the Philippines has hosted the event, which runs from 13 to 18 October.

"The seminar will help build a broad understanding of what laws apply in armed conflicts and why they must be respected in the interests of humanity”, said Alain Aeschlimann, the ICRC's head of operations for East Asia, South-East Asia and the Pacific. “It will also provide a rich forum for civil society professionals involved in the promotion of the law and policy surrounding humanitarian issues to debate their role.”

Experts from the ICRC, the University of the Philippines and Mindanao State University will deliver lectures on various topics, such as the methods and means of armed conflict; non-state actors in non-international armed conflicts, the enforcement of IHL through international criminal justice and protection of cultural property.

“Participants will take part in practical role-play sessions as well as more theoretical classes,  providing an opportunity to deepen their learning”, said Evecar Cruz, the ICRC’s legal adviser in the Philippines. “With representatives from 11 different countries sharing their experiences and insights, the event should serve to build an international network of people interested in humanitarian issues.”

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