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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

5 personnel of PRO9 awarded during the Commemoration of 27th PNP Ethics Day Celebration

Click link below to read rekated article…..                        https://frontlinemindanaobalita.blogspot.com/2021/01/5-personnel-of-pro9-awarded-during.html

 PAGADIAN CITY (Jan. 5, 2021) – Five personnel of the Police Regional Office 9 were awarded during the celebration of 27th PNP Ethics Day coincided with the traditional Monday flag-raising ceremony held in Police Regional Office 9 (PRO9) Parade Ground, Camp Col. Romeo A Abendan, Mercedes, Zamboanga City on January 4, 2021, anchored with the theme: "Magkakaisang Pambansang Pulisya, Sama-sama Serbisyong Tapat at Marangal Para sa Bayan".

Atty Ricardo G Cabaron, Prosecutor of Zamboanga City was the Guest of Honor and Speaker during the activity.  during his speech, he reiterated to the personnel to revisit the provision of RA 6713 known as code of Conduct and Ethical Standards of the Philippine National Police particularly on the core values and the police officer’s creed.

He explained that every police officer carries the public image and reputation of the whole PNP organization as they obliged to deliver a standard quality of police services to the community that they oath to serve and protect.

The celebration was highlighted with the awarding of PNP deserving personnel for the good deeds they have done in the line of duty. Among the awardee are: PSSg Sheila M Munsing, NUP Fatma Inthiezar Halipa and NUP Forzhia Tañedo, all from Zamboanga City Police Station 8 (Sinunuc) for rendering immediate medical assistance to the pregnant woman on board on a PUJ and delivered to the Ayala Lying-In Hospital resulting to the successful delivery of a healthy baby boy.

Police Leiutenant  Harris A Ladja of Regional Mobile Force Battalion 9 for picking up a PWD person along Barangay Putik who was about to travel with his wheelchair to his residence in Barangay Mercedes, Zamboanga City. Police Leiutenant  Kent Palo of Zamboanga Sibugay 2nd Provincial Mobile Force Company for initiating a project initiative “VACCINE” (Values and Affection towards Community-Centered Initiative on New normal Education), a project focused on lifting education by extending assistance on modular learning strategy in order to fill-up the space between teachers and students located in the area of Zamboanga Sibugay.

The PNP Ethics Day is an annual celebration to constantly remind and reinforce the adherence of PNP personnel on the PNP Ethical Doctrine which contains the moral values, disciplined, professional and morally upright policemen.  (By JONG CADION  with reports and photos from PRO9-PIO)

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