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Saturday, January 9, 2021

PRO9 marks 32nd Death Anniversary of Gen. Batalla and Col Abendan


PAGADIAN CITY (Jan. 9, 2021) – The Police Regional Office 9 (PRO9) commemorated the 32nd death anniversary of two of its great heroes’ officers Brigadier General Eduardo Batalla and Lieutenant Colonel Romeo Abendan through wreath-laying and traditional 21-gun salute ceremonies, PRO9 PIO Chief PCapt. Edwin A. Duco disclosed.

The commemorative ceremonies were held in Camp Gen. Eduardo Batalla along R.T. Lim Boulevard; and Camp Col. Romeo Abendan, in Barangay Mercedes inZamboanga City on Friday, January 8, 2021, PRO9 PIO Chief said.

PIO-Chief Duco said that PRO9 Regional Director PBGEN Ronaldo Genaro E Ylagan led the ceremonies at PRO9 Headquarters in Camp Col Romeo A Abendan, which was attended by Abendan's widow, Gloria Abendan, and the personnel of PRO-9 and Special Action Force (SAF).

PBGEN Ronaldo L Llanera, Deputy Regional Director for Administration, led the wreath-laying ceremony and 21-gun salute held around 3:00 PM at Camp BGen Eduardo Batalla, which was attended by personnel of PRO-9 and Regional Supports Units.

PBGEN Ylagan said the heroic acts of Brig. Gen. Eduardo Batalla, then commander of the Regional Command-9, and Lt. Col. Romeo Abendan, his Chief of Staff will remain in our memories until the coming generation as their act of valor, integrity in service and loyalty to the PNP organization will be celebrated in the ages to come.

Photos contributed by PRO9 PIO

“I hope that the personnel in PRO9 will emulate the noble character of our heroes in the service of PNP. Always remember that as men and women of PRO9, we ought to show valor, integrity and loyalty”, PRO9 Regional Director added.

Meanwhile, Gloria Abendan was present during the activity expressed her profound appreciations to the men and women of PRO-9 for always remembering and acknowledging the heroism of her husband.

It was recalled Batalla, then commander of the Philippine Constabulary in Western Mindanao, and Abendan, his chief-of-staff, along with five others were taken hostage by discharged policemen and constables - led by then Patrolman Rizal Alih - inside Batalla’s own office at the Regional Command-9 (Recom-9) headquarters on January 5, 1989 along R.T. Lim or Cawa-Cawa Boulevard.

The unfortunate incident -- known as the Cawa-Cawa Siege lasted for three days and resulted in the death of 19 people, including Batalla and Abendan, after negotiations failed.

Alih, who managed to slip out of the camp, fled to Malaysia and was arrested by Malaysian authorities in September 1994 and was charged for illegal possession of firearms.

Alih was extradited to the Philippines in 2006 and detained in Camp Crame. He died at the camp’s hospital on August 14, 2015.                          Pls… click link below to read related article…..              https://frontlinemindanaobalita.blogspot.com/2021/01/pro9-marks-32nd-death-anniversary-of.html

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