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Monday, September 2, 2013

DENR-IX – LGU Talusan Forge Agreement to Implement FLUP

MOA SIGNING ON FLUP - RED Arleigh J. Adorable(Left)
and Talusan Mayor Orlando A. Ramiso(Right)during the
signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)last Aug.
19, 2013 for the implementation of the Forest Land Use
Planning (FLUP) in the municipality of Talusan, Zamboanga
Sibugay.(Photo by Fred Larubis)

PAGADIAN CITY, Zamboanga del Sur - A strong partnership in on-site management of forest and forestlands has been forged recently between the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in this region and the municipality of Talusan, ZamboangaSibugay.

Regional Executive Director Arleigh J. Adorable and Talusan Mayor Orlando A. Ramiso signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the implementation of the Forest Land Use Planning (FLUP) in the said municipality.

FLUP   provides local government units, DENR and other stakeholders direct participation on how to effectively manage forest and forestlands within their area of responsibility in a manner that will reconcile diverse interests and ensure that wide range of forest goods and services are sustained.

It is centered on the context of sustainable forest management, biodiversity management, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and management and the reduction of emission from deforestation and forest degradation. It harmonizes management of protected areas (PAs), ancestral lands and other forest and forestland areas so that they complement downstream uses.

RED Adorable said that both parties have agreed to collaborate and share resources to improve the governance of their forest and forestlands and are committed to jointly support, contribute and participate in the activities to be undertaken.

“They shall undertake FLUP as an integral activity of Comprehensive Land Use Planning (CLUP) to determine the optimum and balanced use of natural resources to support local, regional and national growth and development as mandated under Joint Memorandum Circular 98-01 of 1998,” he added.

Mayor Ramiso welcomed the partnership as this would help them greatly not only in terms of developing a comprehensive forest land use plan but also speed up implementation of various programs and projects within his municipality. (R. Tan, DENR-IX News Release)

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