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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

DENR IX Trains Its Technical Personnel for Effective Implementation of ENR Laws…

Dipolog City CENRO Geoffrey S. Zayas lectures on
DAO 97-32 “Arrest, Search, Seizure and Detection”
to DENR-IX technical personnel. (Photo provided)

PAGADIAN CITY, Zamboanga del Sur – Some 23 technical personnel from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Region IX field offices have participated in a three-day capacity building and enhancement exercises for effective  implementation  of  Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) laws, rules and regulations and its enforcement  recently held in Barcelona, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte.

Forest Management Services (FMS) Regional Technical Director Ali M. Bari said the participants came from 10 Community Environment and Natural Resources Offices (CENROs) and four (4) Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Offices (PENROs) who are involved in forest law enforcement activities. 

This undertaking was an offshoot of the Re-Orientation Training on Forestry Laws, Rules and Regulations and Its Enforcement conducted in General Santos City last April by the Forest Management Bureau – DENR Central Office participated in  mostly by forestry specialists coming from DENR IX and XII. The objectives of which were to strengthen the capability of participants involved in the law enforcement; to identify problems encountered in the implementation of ENR laws, rules and regulations; and to update them on the new rules of procedure on environmental cases and evidences, he added.

Dipolog City CENRO Geoffrey S. Zayas lectures on
DAO 97-32 “Arrest, Search, Seizure and Detection”
to DENR-IX technical personnel. (Photo provided)
Topics discussed by the resource persons during the re-orientation training included: the DENR Mandate, Mission and Vision; FMS implemented programs and projects; Presidential Decree No.705 and Other Forestry Laws, Rules and Regulations; Permits and  Transport Documents;  Basic skills on Scaling and Measurements; DENR Adm. Order No. 97-32 Arrest, Search, Seizure and Detection; Procedure on Administrative Adjudication; Detection, Search and Arrest; Deputation; Reportorial Requirements for Forest Protection;  Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases and Evidences (Green Court); Mock Trial; among others. 

Lastly, Director Bari urged the participants to organize their respective forest protection and law enforcement groups for effective implementation of Executive Order No. 23 signed by Pres. Benigno C. Aquino III on February 1, 2011 which took effect last February 4, 2011 “Declaring a Moratorium on the Cutting and Harvesting of Timber in the Natural and Residual Forests and Creating the Anti-Illegal Logging Task Force (AILTF)”.

Executive Director Arleigh J. Adorable who heads the Region IX AILTF has reminded the FMS to enjoin all CENROs to operationalize their AILTF. 

The AILTF is mandated to take the lead in the anti-illegal logging campaign and ensure the implementation of EO 23 under the supervision of DENR.  It shall also assist the DENR in the enforcement of other environmental laws.  The Task Force (TF) may call upon the support of any department, bureau and office of the executive branch to assist in the discharge of its functions, such as but not limited to the provision of administrative or technical assistance, logistical support and detail of personnel.  The DENR shall provide the secretariat for the TF.

As per information provided by the FMS, a total of 52 members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Phil. National Police (PNP) and 56 individuals from the LGU of Dipolog City were deputized by DENR to help protect our ENR.(H. A. Ascura/DENR9-PR)

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