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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

PhilHealth ID and MDR distribution to 8K BERT members

BERT members showing their MDR (Photo by Jong Cadion)


PAGADIAN CITY, ZAMBOSUR (September 17, 2013) Almost 8,000 members of newly organized Barangay Emergency Response Team (BERT) had received their PhilHealth Identification Card and Member Data Record today during their First BERT Congress in line with the celebration activities of 61st Founding Anniversary of Zamboanga del Sur.

The PhilHealth ID cards and the MDR for BERT Members were officially turned over to the 27 LGUs by the DOH Secretary Enrique Ona assisted by Gov. Tony Cerilles and Congressman Victor Yu of the 1st District and Congresswoman Aurora Enerio Cerilles of the 2nd District of Zamboanga del Sur.

The government’s aim is every Filipino citizen must avail health services through PhilHealth membership before 2020, DOH Secretary Ona said. 

The BERT was organized by Zamboanga del Sur Governor Antonio “Tony” Herrera Cerilles as  the priority program in his 7 point Agenda to address peace and order in the province.

The Organization of BERT was supported by all Municipal Mayors of the 26 municipalities and one city of Zamboanga del Sur and also by the two members of the House of Representatives of the 1st and the 2nd Congressional Districts of the province.

“The BERT members will also assist the law enforcement agencies not only to respond during the natural and man-made calamities but also in strengthening of our barangay information networks against all forms of criminalities so that peace and order condition will be established, Governor Cerilles told SOLAR NEWS.

In line with this year founding anniversary theme “Bag-ong Pagsalig 2013: Padayon nga Kauswagan ug Panlantaw Alang sa Kalinaw ug Kalambuan sa Lalawigan” (New Trust 2013: Continue Working and Looking Forward for Peace and Development of the Province) the creation of BERT will be the answer to this theme, Governor Tony Cerilles explained.

BERT members are equipped with trainings from the Regional Risk Reduction Management Council through the Office of Civil Defense regarding Law Enforcement, Public Safety and Disaster Response.     

All Photos by JONG CADION during the 61st Founding
Anniversary of Zamboanga del Sur

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