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Monday, September 2, 2013

First Donors Forum for the formulation of Bangsamoro Development Plan held today by BDA


PAGADIAN CITY (September 3, 2013) - The Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA) is conducting its first donors forum today, September 3, 2013 at AIM Conference Center Manila, Makati City.

The donor’s forum is aimed at discussing the Concept Note on the Bangsamoro Development Plan (BDP) and explores areas for collaboration and partnerships with the various development partners, Information, Communication and Learning Officer Norhana Kabagani said.

BDP will depart from traditional planning based on sectoral concerns given recognition that the plan will be implemented under a conflict situation. Kabagani added.

The primary thrust of BDP is Peace and Institution Building to create citizens security, social justice and jobs for “Sustainable Human Development. Accordingly, the formulation of the Plan is guided by the BDA framework of Sustainable Human Development and Peacebuilding, which is a framework anchored on the Right to Self Determination context of the Bangsamoro area.  Moreover, the said framework espouses the BDA Core Values as an important ethic in building a new culture and mindset of development among the Bangsamoro communities. 

The BDA’s role in the formulation of the Bangsamoro Development Plan is in accordance with the signed Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro on October 15, 2012  which states that creation of Transition Commission (TC) will coordinate “development programs in the Bangsamoro communities in conjunction with the MILF Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA), the Bangsamoro Leadership Management Institute (BLMI) and other agencies” (Section VII, 4c of the FAB).

Upon the directive from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Chairman Al-Haj Murad Ebrahim on March 22, 2013, the BDA is directed to coordinate with donor and funding partners, to conduct needs assessment in the Bangsamoro immediately, and to expedite the completion of the formulation of the Bangsamoro Development Plan.

It was further reinforced after the signing of the FAB Annex on Revenue Generation and Wealth Sharing on July 13, 2013 which stated that the Bangsamoro shall formulate its development plans, consistent with the national development goals but recognizing their unique needs and aspirations. The plan shall also consider the revenue generation needed for the post-conflict rehabilitation, reconstruction and development in the region.

The forum is inviting the following international donor agencies, such as: Asian Development Bank (ADB), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) , Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), European Union (EU), Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), United States Agency for International Aid (USAID) , Embassy of Japan, The World Bank and other development partners, Program Head Mr. Windel Diangcalan also said.

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