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Saturday, September 14, 2013

ZamboSur BM and Pagadian Ex-Mayor Pajares declares dead; Witnesses statement confirm committed Suicide


PAGADIAN CITY, Zamboanga del Sur September 14, 2013) – Pagadian City ex-Mayor and now number one Board Member Joaquin “Joy” Gloria Pajares declared dead at about 4:24 pm September 13, 2013 by his attending Physician 4 days after staying at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Joy Pajares on 4 days comatose at the Pagadian City Medical Center after his brain was partially hit by the bullet of caliber 38 revolver. His physician successfully extracted the bullet from his head during the operation Wednesday and is under observation in the ICU but he died due to his decisive condition, the reliable sources said.  

At least 4 witnesses who collaborated their statement that Pagadian City ex-Mayor and now number one Board Member committed suicide by firing a gun to his head in front of his parent’s tomb on September 10, 2013 at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon. What a coincidence, September 10 is the International Suicidal Day. 

This photo was taken during the meeting with
Zamboanga del Sur Governor Antonio Cerilles
and the Board Membersat the Provincial Capitol.
(Photo provided)

In the affidavit of Wilkie Garces Tecson, employed staff of BM Pajares submitted to the police investiation stated that; “I was at my residence when Board Member Joaquin “Joy” Gloria Pajares called me thru cellular phone and told me to drive his car going to the Memorial Garden at Lumbia District. After reaching the area I was instructed to pick-up his care taker Dino Lompoc at their residence to assist them in cleaning the graveyard of his family.”

“I left him at the memorial garden to pick-up Dino at his residence along Corner Urro and J. Ariosa, San Jose District, Pagadian City. We then went back to the area and upon our arrival some more or less 5 meters away we saw Joy Pajares was already lying on the ground which prompted me to rush going to his location and then I noticed blood is coming out from his head and yet he is still breathing,” the testimony said.

He also noticed that the victim is holding the handgun caliber 38 on his chest and then I shouted for help from Dino and brought Joy Pajares to the Hospital, the testimony disclosed.

The same testimony from his affidavit also submitted by Joy Pajares care-taker Dino Lompoc to the investigation team collaborate the statement of the first witness. 

Another witness is a tricycle driver, a resident of Barangay Balintawak, this city who also submitted his affidavit that while he was traversing memorial road going to Upper Lumboy, Tuburan District also of this city he saw a male person inside the vicinity of memorial garden standing in front of State of Pamaran Family who acted to kill himself by pointing the handgun into his head. The man tried to full trigger of his firearm but failed to fire and subsequently the man tried to fix his handgun, the affidavit said.

“I ignored what I saw considering there was a boy near him cleaning the area and I thought it was a prank/bluff,” the driver concluded.

A certain Jesus 58 years old and care taker of memorial cemetery issued an affidavit following the invitation and request of investigation team that he was near the area during the incident.

“While fixing tiles inside the memorial cemetery together with my companion I heard a lone gun burst near my location, I stood-up to verify where the gun burst came from and I saw Joy Pajares fell on the ground holding his handgun. I tried to help but my companion prevented me to stay away because the victim was armed with handgun. We waited until one person arrived and shouting for help that decided us to help to transport the victim to the hospital,” the affidavit said.

Joy Pajares was serving Pagadian City as a Vice Mayor for two terms from the year 1992 to 1998 and as a Mayor on 1998 to 2001. He was elected as a number one Board Member of the 1st District in Zamboanga del Sur only last May 2013 midterm local and national elections.   

It was recalled few years ago, his son Francis also committed suicide in Zamboanga City by hanging himself.     

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